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Copy text from secured PDF documents
Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 2:48 PM
I had a PDF that I wanted to copy some text from, however found that copy and paste were not working. It was at this stage that I found out that the document was protected/secured to disable copy/pasting the text.

I found this free PDF to Word Doc Converter which did exactly what I wanted: HelloPDF. This didn't keep the formatting, but I didn't care. All I wanted was the raw text - to save me typing it out again myself.

It's a very very simple interface. Would recommend you uncheck the "uses text-box" option. This means you get the raw text - and not all separated into frustrating text-boxes in an attempt to retain the original layout.

I guess they secure PDFs if they don't want people copying and not crediting - however I reference everything I write, so there's nothing wrong with me getting around Adobe's copy protection.

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Hey, I also tried hellopdf, but I'm now using anybizsoft, as I won a licence in their giveaway.:-)
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