For the Love of My Country

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Display RSS on your website
Saturday, September 27, 2008, 8:28 AM  0 Comments
Heck, I searched the web for ages trying to find a solution to my problem.  I wanted to display an RSS feed from a blog on one of my websitesCheck out the links to see how it works.  Now, I've found a tight little product, provided by

Here's their description:
This script is the fastest way to display RSS feeds from other sites on your own, period. It uses Google's Ajax Feed API to host the desired RSS feeds on Google's servers, so all that's left for you is to insert some code on your page to show them. Using gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer, you can display results from multiple feeds intermixed, sort them in a variety of ways, specify which components of each RSS entry to display, and more. No more hurdles in your way to showing RSS feeds on your site!

It's completely free, and best of all, there are no adverts or anything at the bottom of your feed.  This is what web-developers and the rest of us like.  If something is good enough, it doesn't need advertising; satisfied users will be delighted to promote it on their own websites.

I guarantee, this little number works a treat.  Just make sure you follow the instructions carefully, as there are a number of places you could go wrong.  A few tips:

- Just add the CSS into your existing style-sheet.
- Adjust the CSS, what I did was list-type:none; and margin-left:-30px;
- make sure you add in: 1) the blog you want to get the feed from, 2) the Google API key, 3) the correct path to the gfeedfetcher.js file.

Yeah, blimmin well go for it mate!

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View PSD Files
Monday, September 22, 2008, 4:43 AM  0 Comments
Right, so you haven't got Photoshop, but you want to view a .psd file that someone sent you?  I've found this handy little freeware download (1.24mb) which is just what you need for viewing (not editing) .psd files.  It's called IrfanView, and here is the download link.  It has drag and drop capability, so is really user-friendly, no mucking around.

Heck, it can open a whole lot more file types...

And it also lets you convert files to other formats which is really handy!


Resize Youtube Videos
Thursday, September 4, 2008, 5:30 PM  0 Comments
Head over here where you can customise (customize) Youtube videos.  There's a number of little things you can alter, but the coolest part is that you can create little mini videos, like the one on this page.

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FileZilla 3
, 4:17 AM  0 Comments
I downloaded File Zilla 3.1.2 a couple of days ago.  You can download it here (it's the top download option you want).  The GUI is a great improvent on 2.2.28 which was the version I previously had.  The drag and drop feature from the old version only worked one way, when dragging files into FileZilla.  With the new version, you can drag and drop from Explorer into FileZilla, and from FileZilla into Explorer, which is really handy.  It also seems to run faster, which is exactly what I needed, with most of my web-servers being based over in Texas somewhere.

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Single Apostrophes in Javascript
Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 5:26 AM  0 Comments
Heck, I've been plugging away, trying to fix a problem with my JavaScipt.  If you have an apostrophe (') in your script, it can break it.  What you need to do, is change all your...

' into '

' is the HTML number for '

Works a treat! 

(for an example, check out this piece of javascript)

For a list of all HTML codes, click here

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