For the Love of My Country

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How To: Float Objects at bottom of page
Thursday, November 5, 2009, 1:16 AM
How do you get a div, image, or text to sit at the bottom of the webpage, no matter what the size of your viewer's browser window or resolution? has the answer, and it involves a pretty straight-forward hack. Essentially what it does is, you put all your content inside one div, "wrapper" - apart from the content you want in your footer. The "wrapper" div is given a negative bottom margin of the exact height of your footer. And of course your footer sits underneath with that specified height. That's the trick. You can't use position:absolute or fixed, and you can't float:bottom. You need to just get a handle on this nifty little bit of code and then you'll be away and laughing.

Check out their code and then do it yourself, just modify your existing divs...

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