For the Love of My Country

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Feedjit ROCKS, now Hide it
Friday, August 28, 2009, 9:03 PM allows you, and viewers of your website to view in real-time, who is visiting your website, and exactly how they found it (i.e. which link they followed).

Feedjit is awesome, I use it to learn what search terms people are using to find my sites, or where they have come from on the web and found the link to my site. You can tell it to ignore your IP address etc, it is free and absolutely marvelous.

However it may be annoying for you to have the large (minimum 160px X aprox 700px) widget on your blog/website, so how on earth do you hide it?

  1. Ok, first grab your code:
  2. Create the following Div: <div style="display:none;">HERE</div> put it just above the </body> tag - it doesn't really matter, as it will be hidden from view anyway.
  3. Now just paste the Feedjit code on top of where it says HERE. (Feedjit code is generic - it's not generated specifically for your site, and you don't have to modify it at all)

Now, to link to the Feedjit Live page, just create the following link anywhere you like on your website:

<a href="">LINK TEXT/PICTURE</a>

Since Feedjit is so great, and free, I recommend using their logo to give them credit.

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