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Convert WKS and WDB files into Excel (XLS)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 4:35 AM
Right, so you have a dodgy looking .wdb file that you want to access, but you don't have Micro$oft Works. .wdb stands for Works Database, and can only be opened with Microsoft Works. But who has that software these days?

Check out this program called MS Works Wks and WDB Files Budget Converter 2.2. It will convert a .wdb file into .xls fairly quickly - despite the claims by the producer that it will run real slow because it's only for non-commercial use. It's a 500kb download.

It is annoying however, as they seem to corrupt some of the cells intentionally, to make you frustrated enough to buy the full version. I'm not sure though, it may only "corrupt" empty cells in the excel spreadsheet that it corrects by entering in the following strings,
If you're desparate but don't care too much about the content then this free program will work fine. Otherwise, find a copy of MS Works or alternatively buy the full version for between 10 - 50 Euros depending on the version you go for. Ouch.


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