For the Love of My Country

Andy Moore's web-development blog: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash (subscribe)
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Two Identical JavaScripts Running On One Page
Sunday, May 24, 2009, 7:27 AM
Have you ever tried to run two javascripts on one page, but found that they conflict, and either only one works, or neither of them work? I had this problem with two blog sidebar widgets which I made. One widget counts the number of abortions performed worldwide since the page was opened. The other counter counts up the number of women affected by abortion sinice the page was opened. As you would imagine, the two scripts were virtually identical - this caused them to lock up.

I had a shot at renaming various elements within the javascript, but to no avail.

For a while I used a horrible hack - put the javascript for the abortion affects women counter into an iframe, and put that script in another piece of javascript. It worked, but it was ghastly, and frustrating.

Eventually, after skim-reading this useful page, I found that you basically need to make sure everything has a different name, and then you'll be sweet.

Compare the two scripts if you like, for reference.
script one
script two



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