For the Love of My Country

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Blinking Text
Sunday, March 22, 2009, 2:52 AM
This is blinking text

source: <blink>This is blinking text</blink>

simple eh. but dumb.
your text is not blinking when I look at it. can you please post a follow up entry as to why that might be? I was trying to get blinking text on a web page a month or so ago and I didn't see it blinking then either.

my laptop is about 4-5 years old with the original OS - could that have anything to do with it?

- Julia
Hi Julia,
I think it's because the < blink > was designed specifically for internet explorer. It's not valid html to use it. You'll probably find it works for you in IE and Firefox, but not in Chrome or Safari...

sorry 'bout that!
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